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Tools Introduction Class

Tools Introduction Class

How to Remove Stubborn Screws? (Impact Driver Ver.)

Popularity : 758

How to correctly choose between screwdrivers and impact drivers during your work?

Both types of tools are seen very frequently in a variety of industries of disassembly and repairing of power and machinery tools. The following article will introduce the principal of tools and operations in order to speed up the process of selecting the suitable product and increase the working efficiency.

Why should I select beforehand?

As the matter of fact, regular screwdrivers will be used initially most of the time when removing screws. However, even though we chose the correct size of screwdrivers, the screws might still remain due to the dust or rust that leads to the circumstance of overtight. And if we keep trying to loosen the screw, the situation of screw being stripped will occurred eventually.

The issue of screw stripping is because that an upward force will appear while unscrewing, hence the screwdriver will slip off from the screw if there isn’t enough downward pressure, and the ‘slip off’ is precisely the main reason that cause screw stripping.

When the screw is stripped badly, the tools will not be able to complete the mission of disassembly, which means that it will take more time to get the screw out through using screw extractor. Thus, to select suitable tools, two factors should be considered in advance, which are the environment that the screw was staying and the torque to tighten the screw on the machine.

Regular Screwdriver-direction of force

Why the impact driver?
And how does it save our time?

There’s an actuating structure inside the main body of the impact driver. The relationship between the three is like a family, spring, actuating structure and horizontal metal axis, which means that no one can be excluded. That is exactly the reason why the hammering tools are necessary for impact tools, the problem of inadequate force of rotation and pressure can be perfectly resolved.

The key point of the efficiency of disassembly is how to hammer the impact driver, how much force should be applied and whether the force is placed in the center or not. Therefore, the curved striking area can central the force and transform the power from linear motion into rotational motion through the actuating structure.

Impact driver-striking area

Impact driver-internal

The intriguing interaction between user and the tool guide us to conquer challenges.
The strikes not only pass on the feedback of the sound and experience, but also implied the faith of trust between users and their tools.

King Tony Impact Driver Set

Impact Driver Set
Impact Driver_4112


6 PC. 1/2" DR. Impact Driver Set: 4111FR 4112FR
8 PC. 1/2" DR. Impact Driver Set: 4108FR
10 PC. 1/2" DR. Impact Driver Set: 4505MR 4505SR
Impact Driver_4116


2PC. 3/4" DR. Impact Driver Set: 4116FR01


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